[LAW] Apple...
Mark Lennox
2002-07-01 16:07:43 UTC
After talking to a mate who sells Macs for a living, he told me that I would
likely need to get a dual processor Mac to stay 'stay in place' in
processing terms, durability etc..

Priced it up, Dual 1GHz Mac with reasonable specs, oh and a monitor (fucks
sake...) - over 6000 euros. This means I would not have a dual monitor
option that I currently have. Why so expensive? I can build an equivalent PC
system myself for a third of that! I presume standard SIMMS, IDE Drives,
Video cards and monitors work with a Mac? Or am I wrong here? Could dump a
lot of costs by choosing non-Mac branded equipment and just buy a basic box-
or could I?

I feel sorry for the Apple users too. AFAIK Apple no longer supports OS9?
Obviously no Logic upgrades for them then, so all those using an old system
will now have to upgrade their macs so that they can have an upgrade path
with Logic. How much do you get for a G3 or a power computer nowadays??

Emagic must have way over extended themselves with the Logic Control and
their rinky dink audio interfaces (2 inputs anyone? crazy....). I really
hope that there isnt too much 'rationalisation' going on in the Human
Resources department in Emagic/Apple.

I'm totally at a loss as to what I'm going to do. Instead of upgrading my
studio in the baby steps I had hoped, now I am going to have to take some
'Giant Steps'. I would imagine that Emagic/Apple will offer some kind of an
offer to PC users but I would also envisage them asking us to take up this
offer within a certain time period or the deal will be off - feeling the
pressure anyone??

Mark Lennox
Technical Consultant
Suite 40
Guinness Enterprise Centre
Taylors Lane
Dublin 8
Tel: +353 1 4100 665
Fax: +353 1 4100 985
web: http://www.enduser.com
Williams, Lawrence K
2002-07-01 16:13:39 UTC
Before I would make a move to upgrade to a Mac, I think it is wise to see
what the whole apple/emagic relationship is going to be. At least I
wouldn't have spent over 5k on a system to run a program that would no
longer exist.
David Eager
2002-07-01 16:54:40 UTC
Post by Mark Lennox
I feel sorry for the Apple users too. AFAIK Apple no longer supports OS9?
Obviously no Logic upgrades for them then, so all those using an old system
will now have to upgrade their macs so that they can have an upgrade path
with Logic. How much do you get for a G3 or a power computer nowadays??
I'm running OSX [10.1] just fine on a beige G3/233. Dunno if I will be
able to run Logic on it in OSX [non-native usb] , but Spark LE runs just
fine. Of course it can't run a whole heap of plugs, but thats to be
expected on such an old [slow] machine. I would think a G3/400 or G4/400
would still be quite useable with Logic/OSX.

Dave Eager
2002-07-01 17:26:18 UTC
Post by Mark Lennox
Priced it up, Dual 1GHz Mac with reasonable specs, oh and a monitor (fucks
sake...) - over 6000 euros. This means I would not have a dual monitor
option that I currently have.
I think not. We have been through this before. A top end Mac will cost
you about 30% more than a top end PC with comparable hardware. The
Superdrive alone is almost $400. Also Macs come standard with dual head
cards and you can use the monitors you already have.

....and before pricing, wait three weeks. New Macs will be out and
should be significantly improved including DDR Ram in the pro machines
for the first time, which is considered by many to be the bottleneck in
Mac performance as the processor is generally conceded to be 50% or more
efficient clock for clock than a P$.

Take care
Jesse Widener
2002-07-01 17:34:53 UTC
** Original Message follows...
Subject: [LAW] Apple...
Priced it up, Dual 1GHz Mac with reasonable specs, oh and a monitor (fucks
sake...) - over 6000 euros. This means I would not have a dual monitor
option that I currently have. Why so expensive? I can build an equivalent PC
system myself for a third of that! I presume standard SIMMS, IDE Drives,
Video cards and monitors work with a Mac?
Or am I wrong here? Could dump a
lot of costs by choosing non-Mac branded equipment and just buy a basic box-
or could I?
Yes - most people just buy a bare-bones machine from Apple and add 3rd-party RAM, Drives, Monitors etc.
2002-07-01 19:57:22 UTC
Having checked Apple's site, I found no mention of their buying
Emagic on their main page or Hot News (as of noon PDT). It was in their pr
section under Press releases. The first release was that they are shipping
the X server (single rack space dual Gig G4). In the bottom of the press
release about Emagic, was an interesting disclaimer, which basically said,
this isn't written in stone, we could change our minds about parts or
everything we just said.
I use Macs over PCs but I think Apple should reconsider their
dropping of PC support in Emagic Products. There are alot of PCs with
Emagic MIDI interfaces, more than the 35% Window users, that use them with
other software. Also the bad press this will get in the Music press about
dropping software support for existing users. Like others, I have sent
email to both Emagic and Apple about this. The more they get the more
likely they will be to change their mind.

Peter Brunner
The Electronic Music Box
LA's MID Digital Audio Experts
Logic Class Video is available see site for details.
2002-07-01 20:12:38 UTC
I, too, am a Mac based Logic user after having crossgraded about a
year ago, and while this may look good on the outside to me, it
doesn't feel good at all.

I would also urge Apple to reconsider dropping PC support. It's not
going to help Emagic's standing in the world of music making to drop
these faithful and very patient customers.

My real problem also comes when I think of any PC user who just
shelled out $1000-2000+ to get up and running with the Logic Control
and an Emagic Midi interface. Dumping these folks who've invested so
much into your company so very very recently is just slimy. I don't
know if it's Emagic or Apple who falls into this catagory, but it's
in bad taste. The only way this wouldn't have been in bad taste
would have been to announce this kind of news pre-5.0 release and let
people make an educated decision with what direction they'd like to
go in for their music production. This is so very heavy handed and
if the desired effect is to have people just jump from PC's to Mac, I
think Apple and Emagic is in for a big suprise. I just don't see it.

I really hope this isn't the beginning of the end for you Emagic. I
love your product and have given it much verbal love to all I know
for some time now. This just isn't the least bit encouraging to me.


Lee Howard
Dirk Simmig, Corinna Nieswand
2002-07-01 20:25:03 UTC
Post by infiniteposse
I, too, am a Mac based Logic user after having crossgraded about a
year ago, and while this may look good on the outside to me, it
doesn't feel good at all.
I would also urge Apple to reconsider dropping PC support. It's not
going to help Emagic's standing in the world of music making to drop
these faithful and very patient customers.
There will be no new products. That makes a difference
Fernando Manuel Rodrigues
2002-07-01 20:47:42 UTC
Post by p***@public.gmane.org
Having checked Apple's site, I found no mention of their buying
Emagic on their main page or Hot News (as of noon PDT). It was in their
pr section under Press releases. The first release was that they are
shipping the X server (single rack space dual Gig G4). In the bottom of
the press release about Emagic, was an interesting disclaimer, which
basically said, this isn't written in stone, we could change our minds
about parts or everything we just said.
Check again. It's in the Hot News section

Williams, Lawrence K
2002-07-01 20:48:09 UTC
Post by Dirk Simmig, Corinna Nieswand
Post by infiniteposse
I, too, am a Mac based Logic user after having crossgraded about a
year ago, and while this may look good on the outside to me, it
doesn't feel good at all.
I would also urge Apple to reconsider dropping PC support. It's not
going to help Emagic's standing in the world of music making to drop
these faithful and very patient customers.
There will be no new products. That makes a difference
If the support requires an upgrade fix after 9/30, then it's f*** you we
don't support windows based program. Buy a Mac system or find a new
program; thank you for calling.......

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